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- Our Story -

Many years ago...


I was invited to vacation in Spain with a school mate.  Her father was a Pan Am pilot and they would spend time abroad.  So off I went, reluctantly leaving my boyfriend for a over a month. My parents encouraged me, saying it was an opportunity to see the world in a different light.  


While spending an afternoon watching numerous bullfights, eating copious amounts of chocolate, and riding in the back seat of a Volkswagen bus for over 45 minutes, I arrived home seriously nauseated.  Conchita, a local woman, cooked for my friend's family. Upon hearing of my condition, she immediately made a strong cup of peppermint tea. Within minutes I felt better!  


This was the genesis of my interest in herbal medicines.  Since then I have searched and sought, answers from the plant world.  For years friends and family have come to me with all kinds of ailments. Through out these years I have delighted in helping people feel better naturally, whether it be through basic good nutrition or herbal medicines.  My mother died of breast cancer.  While there is a place for Allopathic medicine, I have had so many positive results with herbal medicine and nutrition, that they have become my main choice of healing.

I was diagnosed with Asthma as a teenager, but, never used medication until in my early thirties. I was a single mother struggling to keep it all together.  I developed EIA - exercise induced asthma, while teaching 15-20 aerobic classes a week as well as seeing personal training clients.  It was at that time a friend took me to a private home and introduced me to Judith Kravitz and Transformational Breath. That was another turning point like the peppermint tea, and off I went to become certified. I have given group as well as personal sessions for 23 years. For more information:

Being a single mom all those years using herbal medicine and basic good eating, my sister was back on the east coast being an aromatherapy skin care specialist.  She started to teach me about aromatherapy and, again, I was off and running, learning more. To me, it was another piece of the picture using the Essentia Oils. Check out my sister's site for an awesome all natural deodorant:, or

My love for omtimal health and eating real and freshly prepared foods sent me on yet another quest!

I became a Certified Diet Counselor through IET-Institute for Educational Therapy, which is now Bauman College.  It has been my joy, being able to guide clients through Breathwork, Aromatherapy, Herbal tinctures and teas, as well as clean, wholesome, basic Organic Nutrition.

To this story I add that I am the proud mother of two incredible sons, and two incredible grand sons!  As a dancer many years ago, my sons were subjected to many hours of dance rehearsals here in the Sierra Foothills. In their early twenties, they became interested in traditional Malian (West African) music. They both started traveling to Mali, studying the music, and have become accomplished in traditional rythyms of Mali. 

My eldest son, Aja, started a record company.  To date they have produced over 11 CDs with some of Mali's most talented musicians, and are branching out to other World Musicians as well.  

For more information please visit

My youngest son Eligio has a deep passion for the land, life and all that grows. On our small farm, here in the Sierra Foothills, and on his brother's land, we are implementing Permaculture practices with numerous gardens, chickens,and sheep.  With that, we continue to add herbs and plants that we can utilize for ourselves and the animals. We are working to green out our lands and grow more food.

They are both working on a feature length musical ethnography of Malian music, Music In Mali: Life Is Hard, Music Is Good.  In the fall 9/2015, we had the first showing in the Nevada CIty Film Festival, and  it sold out!!

Our family strives to be well through the joys of music and sustainable healthy living through eating local organic food, and using plant-based medicines.  We invite you to try our products, and enjoy life with us!

So, you all be well, and try everything!  That is the only way to know what really works for you!!!!

Shelley  Marie Salvatore
Owner/Founder, Amedeo Essentials

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Amedeo Essentials Disclaimer

The content of this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  Amedeo Essentials makes no medical claims.

We make suggestions based on using age old wisdom from Herbalists, Aromatherapists and family and friends.

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